
  • Header labels in actor sheets are re-centered again [Veilza]

  • Custom attributes and skills will now properly be removed from actor sheets when deleted in the storyteller menu [Veilza]

  • Additions to the storyteller menu - now the ability to add custom attributes and skills! [Veilza]

  • German translation updates [LorduFreeman] and [FederSchakal]

  • Italian translation updates [arcadio21]

  • Russian translation updates [IHappyEndI]

  • Various fixes to situational modifiers and its “ifEquals” field [Veilza]

  • Various improvements to the rendering of skills, particularly the “edit skill” button [Veilza]

  • Enabled blood surges to be done on the second roll menu [Veilza]

  • Fixed confusing appearance of the hunger warning [Veilza]

  • Settings menus now have localization [Veilza]

  • Fixed items being unable to be dropped onto group sheets [Veilza]

  • Fixed exceptional dicepools on SPC sheets to now support modified and custom skills [Veilza]

  • Fixed the hint text in the config menus being too dark to read in dark mode [Veilza]

  • Fixed the text in the macro menu being too light to read in dark mode [Veilza]

  • Upgrades to the generateLabelAndLocalize function to allow for custom keys [Veilza]

  • Rework how getList() returns the list [Veilza]

  • Complete overhaul of how items are created in the actor sheets [Veilza]

  • Renamed the localization groupings for skills, attributes, items, and other strings that were being error’d out by some translation modules [Veilza]

  • Localization now has the “New {string}” key to enable dynamically appending the word ‘New’ to things. [Veilza]

  • Removed unnecessary custom “New Actor/Item” dialog script for the sidebars [Veilza]

  • Update localization of actors/items to integrate with Foundry’s natural localization of document titles [Veilza]

  • Fixed an issue where the “Show to Chat” button wouldn’t display the item description in the chat message [Veilza]

  • Fixed an issue where ghouls wouldn’t be able to roll from datasets. [Veilza]

  • Disallowed ghouls from using blood surges. [Veilza]

  • Updates to the French localization [Cereb, via Discord]

  • Removed a leading slash from URLs to correct issues with the routePrefix configuration [Veilza]

  • Fixed an issue where Hunter edges would disappear and become uninteractable if edited [Veilza]

  • Similarly to the above, fixed an issue where if a Hunter edge somehow was linked to a perk that didn’t exist, the sheet would glitch out [Veilza]

  • Removed the trashbin from perk/gift headers (because it did nothing anyway) [Veilza]

  • German translation updates [LorduFreeman]

  • Health and willpower trackers for group members are now displayed on group sheets [Veilza]

  • Styling adjustment for group member subitem displays [Veilza]

  • Fixed an issue where using “Delete All” on a folder that used to have actors that were moved to a group sheet would be deleted. [Veilza]

  • Added default names for items and actors that’ll be used if someone creates an item or act without setting a name [Veilza]

  • Added a new warning to shift down when a Werewolf has Lost the Wolf [Veilza]

  • Added various missing localization [Veilza]

  • Added a Blood Surge checkbox on the roll dialogue [Veilza]

  • Added a hoverover title for the Remorse button above the Humanity tracker [Veilza]

  • Added a check to determine whether square trackers are editable or not [Veilza]

  • New release workflow to automatically add new releases to the Foundry package page [WeinerDolphin]

  • Fixed an issue where willpower rerolls wouldn’t work if Dice So Nice wasn’t enabled [Veilza]

  • V12 Compatibility update [Veilza]

    • Transitioned now-depricated functions duplicate and mergeObject [Veilza]

    • Removed all instances of enrichHTML in handlebars in favour of enriching within scripts instead [Veilza]

  • Fixed an issue where if an actor was suddenly no longer in the world after being added to a group, it could cause the actor directory to no longer render at all. [Veilza]

  • Fixed an issue where willpower rerolling successes and crits wouldn’t properly update the roll totals. [Veilza]

  • Small update to German localization [LorduFreeman]

  • Added missing localization key for Hunting DIfficulty to non-English localization files [Veilza]

  • Fix the Add6Dice localization in Blood Potency [Veilza]

  • Fix a display issue with the Russian localization of skills and attributes [Veilza]

  • Fix generateLocalizedLabel not returning the proper display names of some features [Veilza]

  • Fix the “Hidden” attribute in the Storyteller Settings not actually hiding skills/attributes [Veilza]

  • Added a “Basic Roll” macro to the macro compendium [Veilza]

  • Made sheet locking persist and default to unlocked to solve confusion related to the lock button [Veilza]

  • Updated the visual border of the situational modifier window to be more visible [Veilza]

  • Added a Pack sheet [Veilza]

  • Added new Group Sheet functionalities, including group sheets as folders in the actor directory and being able to list actors that are part of a group. [Veilza]

  • Updated German localizations [LorduFreeman]

  • Fixed an issue where Background dots weren’t editable on the unlocked sheet [LorduFreeman]

  • Added some useful flags to roll data, such as the system, difficulty, totalResult, and rollSuccessful [Veilza]

  • Re-added the ability to hover over the “S” beside skills to list which specialties are associated with that skill [Veilza]

  • Fix the Difficulty of a roll being reset on Willpower Rerolls [Veilza]

  • After a successful Remorse roll, the Humanity tracker will be cleared of stains. On a failed Remorse roll, the Humanity tracker will reduce the Humanity value by 1 and be cleared of stains. [ArtAmadar]

  • Added Ukrainian localization, obtained from the community module [Veilza]

  • Moved Attribute/Skill lists into a helper for the sake of rendering them in Handlebars [Veilza]

  • Sheet type headers are now localized in the Handlebars file, not the Actor script class [Veilza]

  • Moved various roll functions out of Handlebar helpers and into the Actor sheet class code. [ArtAmadar]

  • Fixed skills not properly showing up on items. [Veilza]

  • Fix edge and gift descriptions in dark theme [Veilza]

  • Fix sidebar popout text being unreadable [Veilza]

  • Fixed an issue where static and humanity counters weren’t styled correctly on dark mode vampire/coterie sheets [Veilza]

  • Fixed for danger/desperation fields not properly updating on Cell sheets [Veilza]

  • Fixed some issues where some skills/attributes would overflow in certain languages [Veilza]

  • Fixed an issue where discarded dice would still contribute to roll totals in chat messages [Veilza]

  • Map notes will automatically be displayed by default [Veilza]

  • Actor tokens (aside from SPC tokens) will automatically have their data linked to their parent sheets [Veilza]

  • When a player is granted Ownership of an actor, their token disposition will be changed to “Friendly.” [Veilza]

  • By default, token disposition is now “Neutral.” [Veilza]

  • Added a new Automation menu in the settings for storyteller, as well as a “Disable All Automation” button. [Veilza]

  • Added the ability for storytellers to rename and hide skills and attributes through a brand new “Storyteller Menu” in the settings [Veilza]

  • Fixed inconsistent linebreaks in selectors within CSS sheets [Veilza]

  • Added the ability to define CSS alterations based on a client’s chosen locale [Veilza]

  • Removed skill and attribute labels from actor templates [Veilza]

  • Actor sheets now use the skill and attribute def file [Veilza]

  • Fix an issue where willpower reroll animations would only play for the originating user. [Veilza]

  • Italian translation updates [Arcadio21]

  • French localization updates [Reiaka]

  • Dark theme updates to be more colourblind friendly [Veilza]

  • Removed fields that were unnecessary to the Specialties menu [Veilza]

  • Fixed a styling issue with the tabs on the Skill Editor dialogue [Veilza]

  • Fixed an issue where text editors would have strange colour stylings [Veilza]

  • Fixed an issue where placeholder text was hard to read in dark theme [Veilza]

  • Added localization keys for various parts of the bonuses/specialties menus [Veilza]

  • Added a default level of 1 to Werewolf gifts [Veilza]

  • Changing “Active when…” on bonuses will now properly reveal or hide the other two fields. [Veilza]

  • Renamed the other two “Active When…” fields to be more clear [Veilza]

  • Updated the layout of the bonuses to be more intuitive [Veilza]

  • Fixed an issue where creating actors and items in a compendium would create them in the world instead [Veilza]

  • Fix issue where messy criticals would only show up if more than two Hunger dice were critical [Veilza]

  • When selecting a skill or attribute to be rolled, a brand new roll dialog will pop up! It will first prompt you for any skills, attributes, renown, or discipline dice you want to add, and then bring you to a different dialog window that will display all dice that’ll be rolled where you can add situational modifiers and otherwise adjust the dice you’re rolling before officially making the roll. Did I mention rolling dice? [Veilza]

  • Specialties are now marked on the skills themselves with an ‘S’ symbol. [Veilza]

  • Specialties can now be edited in the new Skill Editor dialog [Veilza]

  • Updates to how roll messages are displayed, including being able to see the actual dice that were rolled by clicking on the message. [Veilza]

  • If a roll has a description or flavourtext associated with it, it’ll be displayed with the chat message generated with the roll. [Veilza]

  • Items can now be configured to have ‘bonuses’ that can show up alongside rolls, similar to how skill specialties are now handled. [Veilza]

  • Vampires have preconfigured potency bonuses that’ll show up on discipline-based rolls. [Veilza]

  • Werewolf forms have preconfigured bonuses that’ll show up depending on which form is active [Veilza]

  • Removed unnecessary punctuation from localization strings [Veilza]

  • Updated the Brazilian Portuguese translation files with new localizations [viniciusaraujo093]

  • Fixed an alignment issue on the Limited sheets [Veilza]

  • Added an API that has various functions useful for both modules and macros, including the ability to call the system’s Roll function [Veilza]

  • Added support for rolling renown and disciplines directly [Veilza]

  • Added a modifier field to the custom rolls [Veilza]

  • Added the ability to process macros immediately after a roll, power or feature is used [Veilza]

  • Updated the adjust rage and adjust hunger macros to display a chat message after the adjustment [Veilza]

  • Added a willpower cost field to Werewolf gifts [Veilza]

  • Willpower damage is now output to chat [Veilza]

  • Willpower rerolls will now replace the original chatmessage being rerolled [Veilza]

  • Fixed an issue where rouse checks would cause multiple instances of hunger increase, even for discarded die [Veilza]

  • Spanish localization updates [erizocosmico]

  • Dark theme and actor banners will now update without having to refresh the page [Veilza]

  • Items will now be properly localized in the sidebar [Veilza]

  • Removed diceroller settings, due to the diceroller being disabled until it can be fixed [Veilza]

  • Russian translation thanks to [Xuula]

  • All .html files have been renamed to .hbs to properly allow code editors to pick up you’re using Handlebars without any additional editing. [Veilza]

  • Various functions in the actor sheet have been moved to their own files [Veilza]

  • Various CSS stylings have been moved to their own files [Veilza]

  • The ‘or’ helper can now handle more than two given things to check for [Veilza]

  • Lots of other adjustments and fixes to enable code to be more clean and concise, as well as separating things into their own files for better maintainability. [Veilza]

  • Reworked the localization files by adding dot-notation and separating them into core/vampire/werewolf/hunter files for easier organisation [Veilza]

  • Fixed an issue with the gamesystem migration [Veilza]

  • Updated the way localizations for skills, attributes, renown, disciplines, and features are done in Handlebars templates [Veilza]

  • Fixed the convert-packs script [Veilza]

  • Added various missing localization strings and marked the ones that aren’t yet localized [Veilza]

  • Changed how the system looks up the available game systems [Veilza]

  • Added new localization for item types [Veilza]

  • Removed unnecessary actor labels in the templating [Veilza]

  • Actorsheets will now be pulled from the ActorTypes.js definition file instead of hard-coded [Veilza]

  • Renamed “powers” assets folder to “items” and added various item icons, with a migration for old items [Veilza]

  • Items will now pull their icons from the “items” definition file [Veilza]

  • Reworded and renamed WOD5E settings to be more consistent [Veilza]

  • Removed the old “getItemDefaultName” function and newly created items will now use generateLabelAndLocalize instead [Veilza]

  • Moved blood-potency.js into the scripts folder [Veilza]

  • Added a new “reset actors” function to re-render the sheets with its existing data. [Veilza]

  • Upgraded the collapse function on actor sheets to prevent issues where some collapsible content wouldn’t collapse and uncollapse [Veilza]

  • Changed “animal ken” to “animalken” in the actor data [Veilza]

  • Added max values to hunger and rage so they can appear as token bars [Veilza]

  • Various fixes for migration files to make them more reliable and fix the debounced reload not always triggering [Veilza]

  • Fixed an issue where willpower rerolling Rage dice would convert them into normal Werewolf dice [Veilza]

  • Updated Italian translation [Arcadio21]

  • Fixed Ghoul sheets being unable to make dialogue rolls [Veilza]

  • Updated Werewolf dice to allow willpower rerolling of non-brutal Rage dice [Veilza]

  • New disciplines/rituals, gifts/rites, and edges will use icons different from the default item icons now [Veilza]

  • Fixed the enrichment of item descriptions, allowing journal entries and other Foundry items to be linked to disciplines, gifts, etc [Veilza]

  • Reorganized the dice icon paths and centralised where they’re obtained from into one file [Veilza]

  • Moved dice-so-nice.js into the ‘dice’ folder [Veilza]

  • Fixed an issue where the migration script would get stuck on migrating health/willpower trackers [Veilza]

  • Removed an unnecessary field on the Hunter biography page [Veilza]

  • Fixed an issue that prevented Coterie and Cell sheets from loading [Veilza]

  • Add a separate localization for the word “Drive” specific to the Hunter term [Veilza]

  • Fixed Discipline Rouse rerolls to properly display what was rerolled, and to properly reroll dice twice and keep highest between each roll. [Veilza]

  • Add Macro compendium and a couple of useful macros for storytellers [Veilza]

  • The navigation bar on sheets will now use the right cursor type and properly expand the active background to either side of the tab. [Veilza]

  • Fixed the items on the Features tab being unable to be expanded [Veilza]

  • Alterations to the dice faces to make them more colourblind-friendly [LorduFreeman]

  • Shifted various parts of main.js into their own files. [Veilza]

  • Moved the “gamesystem” definition to the actor template [Veilza]

  • Updated “vtm5e.css” to “wod5e.css”

  • Moved various parts of the wod5e.css file to other files, for maintainability [Veilza]

  • Werewolf 5th Edition support [Veilza]

  • Overhaul to the sheets’ designs, making them more consistent across the different splats [Veilza]

  • Fixes to Dark Mode and its various styling [Veilza]

  • “Legacy” sheets that were made before a certain version have now been properly migrated to “Vampire” sheets [Veilza]

  • Ghouls will now take Aggravated damage upon clicking the “Rouse” button on discipline powers greater than level 1 [Veilza]

  • Disciplines now have a “Cost” field to input the number of appropriate Rouse checks. [Veilza]

  • Added this Changelog file [Veilza]

  • Fix input fields on item sheets being hard to read [Veilza]

  • Hunter Edges, Vampire Disciplines/Rituals, and Werewolf Gifts/Rites will now all be sorted by level first and then alphabetically [Veilza]

  • Edges, Disciplines/Rituals, and Gifts/Rites will now have a red effect overlayed on their icons if they’re rollable. [Veilza]

  • Various fields on the Hunter and Vampire sheets will no longer be hidden until the actor fills in Cell/Clan. [Veilza]

  • Added Werewolf dice and updated the styling on the other splat’s dice [LorduFreeman]

  • Various styling fixes [LorduFreeman]

  • Rouse checks on Vampire Disciplines will now add hunger for all failed dice [Veilza]

  • Rouse checks will now display rerolled dice in chat as greyed out [Veilza]

  • Actor banners at the top of character sheets (formerly below the player avatar) can now be disabled within the settings [Veilza]

  • Reorganized sheet partials [Veilza]

  • Reworked how the actor dialogue is localized [Veilza]

  • Reworked how the various splats’ dice are called [Veilza]

  • The system now uses “WoDActor” and “WoDItem” as the export classes for base actors/items and their functionality [Veilza]

  • Reworked the migration scripts [Veilza]

  • All instances of “VTM5E” in localization and CSS classes have now been changed to “WOD5E,” with a migration script to fix any sheets made from before this fix [Veilza]